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Academic Interior Design course Florence LE AC

Interior Design Academic course



After concluding the course, students will receive a Dual Diploma with a Certificate of professional practice. Students will gain experience in the field of Interior design and architecture by studying, practicing the theory, concept Made in Italy and working directly inside an international Architecture and  Interior Design Studio. The students will obtain the title Interior Designer and can proceed with their professional career in the field of Interior Design as a freelancer or associate inside Interior Design and Architecture firms or employees in creative industries such as Exhibition Design, Event Design, Decoration, Product Design, Furniture Design, 3D Specialization, Rendering Specialization, Project illustration,  Visual merchandising.

Curriculum Overview :

1st year:

DP 121 Basic Sketching

DP 122 Technical Drawing

ID  111 Core Interior Design Studio

ID  112 Core Furniture Design Studio

PW151 Basic Customer Management

HD 141 History of Design 1

DP 123 CAD 1

DP 124 3D Design SketchUp

ID  114 Basic Model making

TD 131 Materials featuring 

ED 161 Additional Workshop

ED 162 Additional Field Trip

ED 163 Competition

2nd year:

DP 221 Recording Observation

ID  211 Perception in Design

ID  212 Psychology of shape

ID  213 Professional Interior Design

ID  214 Professional Furniture Design

PW252 Supplier Management

HD 242 History of Design 2

DP 222 CAD 2

DP 223 3D Rendering Vray

ID  215 Model making 2

DP 224 Theory of Colors

TD 232 Detailed Technical drawings

PW253 Marketing of Design

ED 261 Additional Workshop

ED 262 Additional Field Trip

ED 263 Competition


Curriculum & Credits

ACADEMIC Course with DUAL Diploma – 12 disciplines 1 year (30 weeks)

DP 121 Basic Sketching

DP 121 Basic Sketching

This course introduces students to the various techniques of hand Sketching, thanks to the quick visualization and perspective drawing. Students will have the opportunity to express and represent their ideas by hand drawing. The drawing becomes a tool to communicate design information but also as personal self-expression. Our Interior Design Institute in Florence consider this scientific subject as fundamental.

DP 122 Technical Drawing

DP 122 Technical Drawing

The Course content will provide the starting point of technical drawing. Development of analytical and aesthetic skills, thanks to the correct graphic representation, such as lettering, line weight, dimensioning, and other graphic standards in order to create an accurate technical drawing.

ID 111 Core Interior Design Studio

ID 111 Core Interior Design Studio

Introduces students to the basic principles of the Design solutions. Starting from the dots, lines, surfaces, volumes and the ordering principals to define the relationship between space and forms such as shapes grammar. The course inside the academy of design will help students to build their ability to evaluate the design process critically.

ID 112 Core Furniture Design Studio

ID 112 Core Furniture Design Studio

Introduction to the basic principles of international Furniture Design. The course will focus on the principles of design furniture composition and manufacturing. Functions, elementary approach to the forms as vocabulary in order to express meaning with elegance and refinement in the shapes language.

PW151 Basic Customer Management

PW151 Basic Customer Management

The Academy of Interior Design in Florence This topic will introduce students to analyze human behaviors by meeting various psychological, social, and economic needs. The students will learn the strategy and psychological analyses in order to respond to the best way to the customer’s desires.

HD 141 History of Art and Design 1

HD 141 History of Art and Design 1

This course will introduce the most important architectural and design periods from the 13th to 20th centuries. The course will focus on the most important architects and designers, and design movements in their historical and social contexts.

Florence Interior Design Institute Academic course LE AC