Master interior and furniture design 1 or 2 years
The characteristic of this course is that theory is combined with practice in real job environments where every day, every hour, we subvert ourselves and the world!
The best students usually get the opportunity to collaborate with us, as well as with other studios in Italy that are our partners. The students will obtain the title MASTER of Interior Design or Dual MASTER – Interior Design. In addition, they will receive a Certificate of Professional Practice and thus be able to proceed with their professional paths in the field of Interior Design as freelancers or as associates in Interior Design and Architecture firms. They will also have opportunities to work as employees in creative industries such as Exhibition Design, Event Design, Decoration, Interior Design, Furniture Design, 3D Specialization, Rendering Specialization, Project illustration, and Visual Merchandising.
CONCEPT of the Course
It will happen that during the execution of your project, while you observe your model under the light, you begin to understand yourself, who you really are, and what you really want from life.
This Master of Design in Florence is conceived in an Architecture, Interior, and Furniture Design firm and combines theory and real practice. It aims to change you, as a student, and make you discover who you are and what the reality is, as a result of your work and your research through the method of “Perception in Design”. Therefore, as a designer, you will discover the world and your future. You will get to know and understand in depth the client’s expectations, you will succeed in recognizing the signs that a material transmits, you will perceive the sounds and the scents of nature and thus create a dialogue between your project and the most inner part of yourself. You will clearly understand why Light, Space, Material, and Construction create the poetry of a project, always taking into account the essentials of cost control, the process of the executive furnishing of interiors, and the management of craftsmen engaged to realize your masterpiece.

Curriculum & Credits
MASTER1 year – 9/10 disciplines 28 weeks – MASTER 2 years 19 disciplines 56 weeks ( Credits are valid only within our circuit to upgrade to 1-year professional master to 2-year master or Dual master course )
ADS 401 SKETCHING/STUDIO - Alfa course
SKETCHING/STUDIO: Beauty to challenge the world
Understanding in a lab with sketching and models how to assembly together all the elements of the interiors starting from floors, ceiling, walls, and all the opening as doors and windows ad so on in their shapes, volumes, lights, and shadows, giving new concept in every single step.
SD 501 Smart Kitchen and Baths- alfa course
SMART KITCHEN AND BATHS for luxury clients
directly inside the BOFFI and DePADOVA environment, one of the most exclusive kitchen companies and baths in the world, we organize a special experience where the theory is applied to luxury kitchens for international clients and their villas.
TAF 302 Materials Perspective - alfa course
Discover new techniques and technologies of old and contemporary materials in finishings and furniture permit us to express exactly the feeling of space we want through the knowledge of the real nature of every material
TD 201 3D MODEL- alfa course
Focuses on bringing 2d drawings and sketches over 3d model representation as vehicles for design thinking and perception. Observation first and analytic study after, with several interiors spaces exercises that develop creative skills.
ADS 402 Perception in Design, studio - alfa course
PERCEPTION IN DESIGN, STUDIO: Beauty to challenge the world
The perception of material, and shapes is fundamental to our visible experience. Understanding the basic elements for the perception of the interior as a way to express our inner depths’ feeling through the language of shapes, spaces, axis, points, and their correct harmonic connection in their complexity under the sunlight.
TD 202 TECHNICAL DRAWING - alfa course
TECHNICAL DRAWING: Look deeply in your creativity
This course aims to help us understand the core elements of international interior design master projects. Through a quick drawing of the fundamental element of shape, we absorb or express the essence of the design ideas with the use of Cad program.
TAF 301 Accessories Design Lab - alfa course
introduces students to design interiors accessories like picture frames, vases, coat racks, lamps, planters, pen holders, etc., To build models and design symphonic composition in the space, referring to the light and quality of the room for every accessory.
VG 603 Color Composition - alfa course
COLOR COMPOSITION 1: Harmony in colors
to create specific harmonic atmospheres in different kinds of spaces following the ideas of the interior design concept and managing as different melodies the elements of the interior as finishing, walls, doors, accessories, furniture in order to respond to the request of commitments.
HAD 101 History of Architecture - **
To know History of Architecture not only as a past’s information but as a real perception of the great adventure of the most important authors in this field ( and about their life ) This is true also for architects and designers and is possible to go, during the course, directly on the historical place and to perceive the ” spirit of the place ” and of his author.
HAD 102 History of Design - **
To know History of Design in our new concept of the International Master of Interior Design, is to think that every shape of art is the manifestation of the inner vivid, and rich world of the artist. So knowing the protagonists of international design is fundamental in order to have great cultural references and their deep knowledge of their design methods during our work.
ADS 403 Mindful Interior Design Studio- Omega course
MINDFUL INTERIOR DESIGN STUDIO: the mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be lit
focuses on the great questions of “Beauty” and its identity with advanced methods in design composition. After an introduction to site planning, the course expands on several themes such as homes, green exhibition spaces, international showroom, sustainable offices, and spiritual spaces, delineating expression of a profound knowledge of the spaces, shapes, and light as tools for the expression of our inner self and of the client. Laearning the method of coach to discover the most inner part of the people trough their desire in their living space.
TD 203 RENDERING- Omega course
Focuses on learning 3D render software with V-Ray or other render software to define realistic views of the interior knowing the way to put materials, bumping, lights, and choose the right point of view for a perfect realization of the interior space.
TAF 303 Furniture Design Lab - Omega course
introduces students to design interiors furniture like table, chair, bookcase, wardrobe etc. and urban furniture like benches, fountains, bicycle rack, litter bins, signage system, bollards etc.. Emphasis on designing harmonical identity, referring to the nature of the place for every street furniture.
VG 603 Chromatic Perception 2 - Omega course
CHROMATIC PERCEPTION 2: Enjoy the colors
introduces students to knowledge of the influence of colors on human beings in their different combinations in the quantity and kind of shapes and geometry of which they can be composed, delineating various perceptions inside the public/private space and interiors. As international interior design master this subject is retained fundamental.
ADS 404 Architectural Interior Lab- Omega course
ARCHITECTURAL INTERIOR LAB: Be realistic ask the impossible
To control all the building shell an the interior space as spatial organization in several kind of space as house, restaurant, exhibition spaces, showroom and office. Then understand the design of interior in the relationship with the presence of the light and their psicological impact in our watch perception.
The presentation of the final works to the customer is very important because is the way to depict a specific point of view of the project through the colors, materials, light, creating the ambient and the atmosphere of the image. Learning the advanced way to do a Portfolio means to delineate a strong identity for the work and have success in the last important step of the presentation.
TAF 304 Interiors Advanced Technology - Omega course
ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY: The future here, now!
The knowledge of techniques and new technologies of design ensure our control over our suppliers and their costs on the renovation site. Very important for our Interior design Academy. Start a new advanced approach with green design and sustainable technology, where it is possible, in a direct experience on a prototype to understand and perceive strengths inside the constructed shapes through the control of their proportions.
Creating the brand identity of the place working on logo, tags, symbols, and fonts and all the graphic elements of retails or restaurant, bar bistrò, coworking space, office or B&B, etc. How to define exactly the image also through the choice of colors and patterns or graphic contents on the walls which can change totally the mood of an interior.
Lessons inspired from music, cooking, film, art, language to submerge students in important cultural activities. Intended to bring students inside the experience of Italian culture with the practice of basic language skills in social and interactive excursions
SD 504 Online Design Service - **
ONLINE DESIGN SERVICES: digital marketing: the next
Introduces students in the most innovative and advanced way to work online and meet clients via Internet, developing the entire design process through the most recent Digital Web Marketing in order to be totally involved in the contemporary way to work all around the world.
GC 704 Visits interiors and Exhibition - **
Discovering compositional design factors such as shapes, materials, lights, and colors, in the best international showrooms of fashion design and bistrot, cafes, restaurants, and exhibition space is the best approach to understand the reasons for the success of specific brands directly on site.
Thanks to presence in tuscany of brand as Prada, Ferragamo, Gucci, etc. or Antinori and Frescobaldi and others wines productor, is possible to meet the most iimportant world experience on interior design project in the fashion and food showrooms.
GC 705 Workshop - **
many workshops can be done throughout the year in different fields. Each workshop is outside the master’s or dual master’s program but can be added as credits to the final outcome of the various types of certificate
Studium Architecturae – Florence Design School has an innovative approach to teaching, combining theory with work experience. For that reason Studium ArchitecturAe – Florence Design School reserves the right at its sole discretion to change the lecture structure, aspects of the teaching and learning process, content, and numbers of hours of each subject during the course taking into consideration the students skills and the work program, in order to obtain the best result. Each lesson has 40 minutes duration. The master level is achieved with the minimum credits ( valid in the Star, Florence Design School ) related to each specific course. The disciplines with ” ** ” are optional in order to achieve the request minimum credits.